Before I get started, here are a few tips you should keep in mind when shopping:
#1 Beware of stores that have a sprinkler system for the produce. The water actually makes your produce weigh more and can make it go bad quicker. Pick items that are at the bottom of the stack and try to shake off as much water as you can before bagging it. Don't be afraid to use your freezer either! Cutting up veggies and fruits and then freezing them is not a bad thing at all!
#2 Check the lighting over items as well! Sometimes grocery stores will have colored lighting over produce or meats that can manipulate the quality of the product!
#3 When purchasing meats, always pick one from the top. When meat is compressed, the juices are squeezed out which could dry the meat causing it to go bad faster. If the pad under the meat appears full of juice then pick another item!
First: I write down everything I need in categories. Weird, I know, but it is ten times better than looking at an exhausting grocery list. I try to freeze as much as I can so it will last longer. My poor freezer is always loaded down but hey, whatever works right? Here's a picture of my list:
Second: I'm a proud Kroger shopper and a plus card owner. I'm even the crazy grocery shopper that has the Kroger app. After I finish writing out my list I go through Kroger's weekly ads and coupons. I match up deals with what I have on my list. Sometimes you can get double the savings when there are shelf deals on the items as well. ***PARENTS: This is great for kids headed off to college. My mom graciously allows me to use our gas reward points while I'm away for school. (bless her kind soul and thank you Jesus for 20 cents off the gallon!)
Third: I add all of the deals to my Kroger plus card on the app. IMPORTANT: Whenever you are ready to check out, make sure you have the cashier scan your plus card from your phone. That is the only way the added coupons will apply. I like this method because I do not have to keep up with a bunch of paper coupons. Here's a quick glance at what the app looks like on an Android phone:
Fourth: I do a little happy dance in the car because I just saved some serious money! But wait, there's more! What's better than saving money? Earning money for virtually nothing! I downloaded two rebate apps on my phone. These apps feature certain items each week/every two weeks and give you cash back for just purchasing the items. All you have to do is select the featured items that you bought, upload a picture of your receipt, and within 24 hours money is approved. The most you can get back on one item is about $1.50 but after a while it can really add up. You can request a check after you have earned $20. Here are the two apps I use:
Bonus: Right After I published this post I had some great people suggest another rebate app called Ibotta. (Thanks Laurie Mitchell and Kendra Hook!) After signing up for it and checking out the features, I think I am definitely going to use it! The app seems very user friendly! Click here to sign up with ibotta! ----> There's a secret bonus waiting for you if you hit that link and redeem a rebate within 10 days of signing up!
And there you have it folks! I try to be as resourceful as possible since I have limited funding. Even if you have a house full of people, this can still apply to you. My mom saved $38 during her last grocery shopping trip following this plan! It doesn't take a whole lot of time and it is worth the savings.
If you have any questions or comments feel free to add them below!
Happy grocery shopping and God bless ya!
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